How cold affects home battery charging

It is rare that it gets very cold in the UK, but in January we had a few nights when it was cold. On the 18th January it got down to around -5c. As our solar batteries are in our loft it can get cold up there.

I woke up on the 18th to find the batteries had not fully charged. They were around 80%. Using my Home Assistant card I could see that they had only been using 2200 watts from the grid and not the 3600 watts the inverter can support.

The night before is what it should look like.

Home Assistant dashboard showing the batteries not pulling the full amount from the grid

This is how it looked on the Luxpowertek dashboard

You can see just over 2000 watts being used and some odd spiking at the start of the charging

This is what it normally looks like

This is what a normal battery charge looks like. Using the full 3600 watts.

It has never done it since, so I can only put it down to the cold.

Michael Curtis

My introduction to computers started at my middle school in 1981 when our maths teacher brought in a ZX80. That led the computer club being founded and using a Research Machine 380Z

My first computer was a 48K ZX Spectrum which I loved to programme. Once I left school I worked as a photocopier engineer, then a fax engineer and finally moving on the Apple computers.

For the next 30 years I worked as a system administrator. I now work in the cyber security industry as a Sophos Professional Services consultant

Home Assistant Dashboard card daily energy cost


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